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Luke Evans Reflects

‘Hobbit’ Star Luke Evans Reflects on Lack of Gay Actors in Macho Hollywood Roles

Luke Evans, known for his prominent roles in Hollywood blockbusters, recently opened up about the limited presence of openly gay actors in tough, macho roles—a niche he’s carved out in a largely heteronormative industry.

Star Luke Evans Reflects

In a recent interview with The Guardian, the Welsh actor, famous for his work in The Hobbit series and the Fast & Furious franchise, discussed his journey breaking into these traditionally “macho” parts. Evans shared that his casting marked a turning point for Hollywood’s representation, something fellow actor and gay rights icon Ian McKellen acknowledged early on. Upon seeing Evans’s success, McKellen, who starred as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, had quipped, “Ooh look at you, you’re going to be a big butch star!” This acknowledgment, Evans noted, highlighted how uncommon it was for gay actors to embody such masculine roles.

Luke Evans went on to express a certain disappointment that Hollywood hadn’t progressed as much as he once hoped. “I just hoped it would have moved further than it has,” he commented, noting that he felt a responsibility in paving the way for others. But when asked if he could name another openly gay actor taking on similar tough-guy parts, Evans said he couldn’t think of one, adding, “I thought over a decade ago, you won’t be on your own for long. Of course, there are lots of gay actors, but playing the roles I’m playing? I don’t think there’s many.”

Currently, Evans is working on a TV series tled Criminal,

where he plays a complex, rugged character—a part written as a straight man. It’s one of many instances in his career where his sexuality has had no bearing on his character’s persona. By taking on these roles, Evans hopes to challenge stereotypes and open doors for future actors.

Breaking Barriers and Opening Doors in Hollywood

Luke Evans’s career trajectory serves as an inspiration and a reminder of the work that still needs to be done in Hollywood to represent the LGBTQ+ community across a broader range of characters.

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